Monday, October 16, 2006


Seven to Nine

Friday I did nine miles. Danny had done eight the week before while I had stayed at seven so I knew the jump from seven to nine was going to be challenging. It was hard!! The first half was hard, the second half was hard. It didn't get any easier. I'm not sure if I believe in this runners' high. Or perhaps one has to run for longer than two months to experience it. In any case, I survived. I was really sore on Saturday. But Sunday was better and today I'm ready to run.

The Jewish holidays are over now so I am looking forward to getting back to the routine of long runs on Sundays and not Fridays.

Today's goal: 4.5 miles.

I'm not sure what was tougher - today's 4.5 miles, or the weekend on the UWS...
i would take a full marathon at this point rather than go back to the UWS.
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